Ok, so you have never heard of Society 389 charity club before, so I know you have a few questions niggling away at you. Go ahead and browse our FAQs below, if you are still puzzled or need and answer, please contact us.
And so to the questions
Is Society 389 a registered charity
Well we certainly are, otherwise we would be in big trouble. Our ABN is: 55141983799
For full charirty information, see our about us page.
Verify who we are at:
What does Society 389 actually do?
Society 389 directly helps kids in the local macarthur area, who have dire need for help, and less means and options available to get the support.
What support does Society 389 offer?
It could be from a simple wheelchair to a new car kitted out for disabled access. Steps, home modifications or maybe a respite break while the family refreshes
How are the beneficiary children selected?
Each application we receive is reviewed by a panel of our directors who do extensive research into the needs and priority of the child.
Does Society 389 really take no admin fee?
You bet. This is one of the key differences with Society 389 over other charities.
Every staff position at Society 389 is volunteer. Most if not all services are donated (even this web site) so we have ZERO overheads.
We wouldn’t feel right accepting your hard earned coin only to line our pockets, while a deserving child or family is needing help.
Are the testimonials real?
Yes, they are, all real. We really don’t like publicity, we like to go mostly un-noticed, but of course, we need funds to continue the projects and select child cases, so sometimes we need a bit of publicity. A real life testimonial is a good honest way to advertise the work we do.
If I have a family or child in mind for support, can I contact Society 389?
You most certainly can. Please take the time to complete the form here, and we will contact you if your nomination meets our selection criteria.
Please remember, we only help high needs children by way of provision of medical support services and equipment, we do not give cash under any circumstances.
Are my donations tax deductible?
Yes indeed, SOCIETY 389 CHARITY CLUB LTD is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 12 Feb 2010.
For more information on our Tax status, please visit;
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