Society 389 is a charity club that provides support to kids with a disability, disadvantaged and sick children that need help to further their development, or simply make life more comfortable.
Society 389 was started over a bottle of Penfolds’ Bin 389, (or maybe more, but that’s not important now, now you can see where the name came from?). One of the founders was discussing the difficulty he was having getting some assistance, so a week or two later, “Society 389 Charity Club” was born and the journey to help local kids with disability began.
We don’t have our name up in flashing lights, we don’t do door knocks, we don’t have ‘chuggers’ (charity muggers) in shopping malls, we prefer to stay under the radar and provide meaningful help in the background. Ok, so occasionally we are mentioned in Newspapers or on radio/TV etc, but it’s not because we asked, it most likely was our wonderful beneficiaries who dobbed us in and thought we needed a public thank-you.
Every child deserves to be comfortable, we aim to improve our deserving kid’s comfort
Our beneficiary kids are carefully selected so we can target our assistance exactly where it is needed, to provide the most efficient support to the child or family and have effective results.
We don’t give cash, we instead supply items or services that will enhance or enrich the lives of the children and/or their families. Items such as wheelchairs, motor vehicles, vehicle modifications, playground equipment or provide airfares and accommodation for families .
Society 389 is a 100% volunteer organisation, all the admin, committee and case managers are all volunteers. Of course Society 389 is a registered NSW charity. So yes that ,means your donations are tax deductible.
We have practically no overheads and there is no “admin” cut from our donations, zip, zero, nil. Practically every red cent (or any other colour for that matter) we raise goes into the children and families we support.
If you have a product or service that you would like to offer Society 389, please get in contact with us. We sometimes need an extra hand from a particular trade or profession to help one of our families or kids. Join our wonderful team of supporters and sponsors.
If you wish to donate, please use the form or contact us if you want to make a larger donation.
Society 389 Charity Club Ltd.
ABN/ACN: 55 141 983 799
Our Registered Address:
PO Box 360
Camden NSW 2570
Got a niggling question?
Do you have a question about Society 389 Charity Club? Head over to our FAQ page, and if still a little curious, then contact us.
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